S3 Core Subjects
S3 Core Subjects
Click on the links below to view the subject course descriptor:
English & Literacy
The English course continues to develop and assess skill in the areas of Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening while developing the four capacities of a Curriculum for Excellence: Confident Individual; Responsible Citizen; Successful Learner; Effective Contributor. |
Using a variety of teaching strategies, teachers support learners to develop their social and academic skills while studying a broad range of texts and literature. The new curriculum enables us to provide breadth and depth to the learning experience in contexts relevant to life today. In English, we do this through texts which focus on topical issues.
Over the three years of the Broad General Education we ensure that all our learners follow the same course, develop the same set of skills and benefit from similar learning activities in a supportive and productive learning environment.
Over the three years of the Broad General Education we ensure that all our learners follow the same course, develop the same set of skills and benefit from similar learning activities in a supportive and productive learning environment.
Mathematics & Numeracy
Learners will be given the opportunity to build on their previous experiences. Learning in Maths will enable all students to:
Personal and Social Education
Our S3 PSE programme maintains progression in topics and skills previously studied. The main themes that will be covered are: Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing; Planning for choice and change; Substance misuse; Relationships, sexual health and parenthood. We will also focus on giving all our young people the opportunity to achieve a Health and Wellbeing Award accredited through SQA.
Our S3 PSE programme maintains progression in topics and skills previously studied. The main themes that will be covered are: Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing; Planning for choice and change; Substance misuse; Relationships, sexual health and parenthood. We will also focus on giving all our young people the opportunity to achieve a Health and Wellbeing Award accredited through SQA.
Physical Education
In S3 core PE lessons pupils participate in a range of team sports, individual games and aesthetic activities. Pupils revisit activities they have participated in during S1-2 PE lessons, but are also introduced to new sports e.g. handball.
In S3 core PE lessons pupils participate in a range of team sports, individual games and aesthetic activities. Pupils revisit activities they have participated in during S1-2 PE lessons, but are also introduced to new sports e.g. handball.
Core RME
As part of their core entitlement, all students in S3 with experience one period per week of RME. The course is composed of three units and focuses on how religion and belief systems respond to issues within society.
Unit 1: Tolerance and Respect
Successful completion will allow pupils to be accredited for the SQA Religion Belief and values award at SCQF Level 4.
The units covered in S3 provide progression to National 4/5 RMPS as an option in S4 and also National 5/H RMPS and Philosophy in S5/6.
Pupils will also gain experience in essential skills such as evaluation, analysis and higher order thinking which can be applied across the curriculum in many other subject areas.
As part of their core entitlement, all students in S3 with experience one period per week of RME. The course is composed of three units and focuses on how religion and belief systems respond to issues within society.
Unit 1: Tolerance and Respect
- Where pupils look at prejudice, discrimination, stereotypes and human rights through issues such as gender equality and refugees.
- Where pupils develop knowledge and understanding of a topic involving religion or religious belief and reflect on their own faith or values in response to the topic.
- Where pupil put their own personal faith or values into action through engagement in the community and are able to reflect on the activity.
Successful completion will allow pupils to be accredited for the SQA Religion Belief and values award at SCQF Level 4.
The units covered in S3 provide progression to National 4/5 RMPS as an option in S4 and also National 5/H RMPS and Philosophy in S5/6.
Pupils will also gain experience in essential skills such as evaluation, analysis and higher order thinking which can be applied across the curriculum in many other subject areas.