Financial Support
Here are details of some of the help available:
Free School Meals
Qualifying benefit for free school meals for school session 2022/23:
- Child Tax Credit where household income is £17,005 or less
- Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit where the household income is £7,920 or less
- Universal Credit where earned income is £660 or less per month
- Income- based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income Support
- Any Income related element of Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Clothing Grant
- Only one application can be made per child for each school year
- Clothing grants are not available for children attending early year centres
- If your child has passed their official school leaving date, applications will only be processed once they have returned to school in August
- Young people aged 16-18 years old who meet the eligibility criteria in their own right, can also claim clothing grant and free school meals
- Council Tax Reduction
- Housing Benefit
- Child Tax Credit where household income is £17,005 or less
- Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit where household income is £17,005 or less
- Universal Credit where earned income is £1,417.08 or less per month
- Income based Jobseekers Allowance
- Income Support
- Any Income related element of Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)
EMA's are available to young people aged between 16 and 19 years old who are attending full time school education. EMA is a weekly allowance of £30. Eligibility is also assessed on gross taxable household income - in session 2022-23 this is up to £24,421 (for households with 1 dependent child) and up to £26,884 (for households with 2 or more dependent children). Applications are only accepted until 28th February.
For more information, and to apply online, head to
For more information, and to apply online, head to
Free Bus Travel for Young People
All 5-21 year olds resident in Scotland are eligible for Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel, using a National Entitlement Card / Young Scot Card with the free bus travel product on it, or using the accompanying mobile app. Children under 16 years old will need their parent/guardian to apply on their behalf and provide approval for free bus travel to be enabled on their child’s card. If you are aged 12-15 and apply for your own card, the card will NOT come with free bus travel, your parent/guardian must apply on your behalf.
If you’re under 22 and disabled you can choose between the Disabled Persons’ scheme or the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel scheme. Some local council areas provide discounted travel on rail, tram or subway with a Disabled Persons’ NEC, but you are likely to have to renew that card more often. But remember: If you have a Disabled Companion card, which lets someone travel for free with you, then you should not change to the new scheme as it doesn’t allow anyone to travel with you for free.
For more information, and to apply online, head to or to
If you’re under 22 and disabled you can choose between the Disabled Persons’ scheme or the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel scheme. Some local council areas provide discounted travel on rail, tram or subway with a Disabled Persons’ NEC, but you are likely to have to renew that card more often. But remember: If you have a Disabled Companion card, which lets someone travel for free with you, then you should not change to the new scheme as it doesn’t allow anyone to travel with you for free.
For more information, and to apply online, head to or to
Free Laptop/Device
The Tech4families initiative may be able to provide a free device for a child that needs it. The child must be aged between 4 and 16 and resident in Ayrshire for a minimum of 6 months. The application must be made by the parent/guardian, and will then be verified by a professional who knows and works in support of the family - one of:
For more information, and to apply online, head to
- Guidance Teacher at the school
- CAB adviser who knows the child and advises the family
- Librarian who knows the child and advises the family
- Local elected Councillor who knows the child and advises the family
- Job Centre representative who knows the child and advises the family
- Staff representative of a charity registered with the Charity Commission working in the local community who knows the child and supports the family (including food banks and other community groups)
For more information, and to apply online, head to
School Clothing Bank
Whether an accident causes a tear in your tights, your only white shirt is in the wash or for any other reason you are in need of an item of school clothing or grooming product, pop by the guidance base and ask for Mrs Scott (Welfare Officer) as she oversees a stock of items for those that need them.
School Breakfast Club
Certain eligible S1-S3 pupils have been invited to the Breakfast Club. This takes place 2 days each week and is funded in conjunction with Seagate Church. Pupils enjoy a health breakfast as well as a welcoming and nurturing environment to ensure the best start to their school day. Spaces are limited but, should you wish your child to be invited, please contact their Guidance Teacher.
School Trips
Help is available to ensure all pupils can afford to attend school trips. If payment is an issue, please contact your child's Guidance Teacher.
Best Start Grant and Scottish Child Payment
The Scottish Government make payments to eligible families from pregnancy to when the child is of age to start school. More details at and
Warm Home Discount Scheme
By law each energy provider must apply a discount (usually £140-£150) to the energy bill of eligible customers. The money is not paid directly to you but is taken off of your energy bills between October and March. Each provider has slightly different eligibility criteria and application must be made on their website. Applications are usually allowed from August but each firm applies a different closing date, so best to apply as early as you can. Search the web for your energy supplier's name and add "warm home discount" to find out more.
South Ayrshire Foodbank
The school has previously arranged referrals to the South Ayrshire Foodbank. If your family is in need of an emergency food parcel, please contact the school.
Further Financial Help/Advice
To ensure you are in receipt of all that you are entitled to, or for advice on debt or money management, contact South Ayrshire Information and Advice Hub at You may also find help at