Graphic Communication
Graphic Communication
Assessment: Course Assignment: 33% Question paper: 67%
The aims of the Course are to enable learners to develop:
Assessment: Question paper: 64% Course Assignment: 36%
The aims of the Course are to enable learners to develop:
- replicate familiar and some new graphic forms with some complex features in 2D, 3D and pictorial representations
- apply recognised graphic communication standards, protocols and conventions in straightforward but unfamiliar contexts
- initiate, plan and produce preliminary, production, promotional, and informational graphics in both familiar and new contexts, with some complex features
- apply graphic design skills, including creativity, when developing solutions to graphics tasks with some complex features
- understand the application of colour, illustration and presentation techniques in a broad range of graphics contexts
- critically review graphics work as it progresses and evaluating completed task work suggesting strategies for improvement
- extend visual literacy by interpreting unfamiliar graphic communications — some with complex features or combinations of views
- extend graphic spatial awareness in unfamiliar 2D, 3D and pictorial graphic situations including those with complex features
- select, manage, and use graphic communication equipment, software and materials effectively across tasks
- understand a broad range of computer-aided graphics techniques including commercial/industrial practice
- an informed understanding of the impact of graphic communication technologies on the environment and society
Assessment: Question paper: 64% Course Assignment: 36%