Music Technology
Music Technology

National 5 Music Technology
The aims course enables learners to develop:
There are three main areas of study: Music Technology Skills; Understanding 20th and 21st Century Music; Music Technology in Context. These are assessed through:
Candidates should choose two of these briefs in discussion with their teacher or lecturer. Each sample brief is based on a different context:
There are three stages to this task and marks will be awarded for each stage:
Question Paper
Candidates will complete a Listening paper based on recorded excerpts of music linking to the Understanding 20th and 21st Century Music.
The aims course enables learners to develop:
- knowledge and understanding of music technology
- a broad understanding of the music industry, including intellectual property rights
- knowledge, understanding and critical analysis of a range of 20th and 21st century musical concepts, styles and genres
- the ability to use music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio
- the ability to use music technology creatively in sound production in a range of contexts
- listening skills
- imaginative, creative and technical problem-solving skills
- using skills in a range of contexts e.g. live performance, radio broadcast, film, TV themes, adverts and computer gaming
- the ability to critically reflect on personal work and on the work of others
- skills in planning, organising, researching, communicating in a technological
- and musical context
There are three main areas of study: Music Technology Skills; Understanding 20th and 21st Century Music; Music Technology in Context. These are assessed through:
- an assignment (consisting of two projects) – 70% of overall mark
- a question paper – 30% of overall mark
Candidates should choose two of these briefs in discussion with their teacher or lecturer. Each sample brief is based on a different context:
- a soundtrack to support a short film
- live studio recording and mixing of a performance by a small instrumental group
- multi-track studio recording and mixing of a performance by a small instrumental group
- producing music and sound to support a computer-gaming environment
- creating a short radio broadcast involving sound, speech and music
- creating an audiobook
There are three stages to this task and marks will be awarded for each stage:
- Planning - 15 marks
- Implementation - 45 marks
- Evaluating - 10 marks
Question Paper
Candidates will complete a Listening paper based on recorded excerpts of music linking to the Understanding 20th and 21st Century Music.