Physical Education
Physical Education
The following Qualifications are available in the PE department; Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
If any candidate is considering selecting two courses in the PE department they should discuss appropriate levels and pathways with the Principal Teacher. |

All our National Qualification courses are perfect for those students interested in, and passionate about health and wellbeing and sporting performance.
As a student works through the pathway they will develop their ability perform to an increasingly high standard in various activities. They will also deepen their understanding of the performance development process and take responsibility for planning, implementing and evaluating Personal Development Programmes focussed on improving performance across the Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical aspects of performance.
The courses are based around the core activities of Hockey, Badminton and Volleyball and other activities may be utilised to best suit the course content and needs of the learners.
All courses offer a degree of personalisation and choice, for example in selecting the activities in which candidates will complete their performance assessments, National 5 portfolio or Advanced Higher projects.
Course Assessments vary and are detailed individually below but all have both written and performance components which contribute to an overall award.
With this is mind it is key that students opting for National Physical Education courses enjoy participating in a wide variety of activities and enjoy the challenge that improving both practical and theoretical performance brings on a period by period basis.
In the PE department at Marr College we take great pride in supporting our young people to continue to improve in areas of interest and passion and we look forward to continuing the pathway to improved performance with those who elect to study National Qualifications in Physical Education.
Below you will find more detailed information on each of the qualifications in the Physical Education pathway. Attached are links to the relevant SQA webpages which contain vast amounts of information on the course. The Course Specification documents are recommended and will be particularly helpful at this stage.
National 4
Course Suitability
Most suitable for pupils who have achieved third level and have made some progress towards 4th level in S3.
Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
· demonstrating movement and performance skills safely in straightforward performance contexts
· demonstrating knowledge of factors that impact on performance
· developing knowledge of approaches to enhance personal performance
· monitoring, recording and reflecting on performance development
· decision-making and problem-solving in straightforward performance contexts
· organisational skills in preparing for, and during, physical activities
Two Internally assessed units and an Added Value unit assessment.
Factors Impacting on Performance – written work demonstrating understanding of factors impacting performance and the ability to monitor, record and reflect upon the performance development process.
Performance Skills – learners must be able to demonstrate performance at National 4 level in at least 2 activities.
Added Value Unit – a single performance event for which learners must prepare, carry out and reflect upon their performance.
National 5
Course Suitability
Suitable for pupils who have made good or very good progress towards, or achieved 4th level in their Broad General Education in S3. Candidates electing in S5/6 should consult PE staff regarding most suitable qualification.
Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
· demonstrating a comprehensive range of movement and performance skills safely
· understanding factors that impact on performance
· planning, developing and implementing approaches to enhance personal performance
· monitoring, recording and evaluating performance development
· decision-making and problem-solving
Course Assessment
Factors Impacting on Performance – 60 mark written portfolio completed in class time. 50% of course assessment.
Performance – 2x 30 mark single performance events in two significantly different activities. 50% of course assessment.
Course Suitability
Most suitable for candidates who have successfully achieved an A or B pass at National 5 level in both English and PE. Candidates electing with no previous National Qualification experience in Physical Education should consult PE staff regarding most suitable qualification.
Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
· selecting, demonstrating and safely applying a broad and comprehensive range of complex movement and performance skills in challenging contexts
· decision making and problem solving in challenging contexts
· analysing factors that impact on performance
· explaining a range of approaches for developing performance
· creating and implementing a Personal Development Plan (PDP)
· analysing the recording, monitoring and evaluation of performance development
Course Assessment
Factors Impacting on Performance – 50 mark Question Paper written exam completed in the formal exam diet equalling 50% of overall course assessment.
Performance – 2x 30 mark single performance events in two significantly different activities equalling 50% of overall course assessment.
Advanced Higher
Course Suitability
Only suitable for candidates who are currently participating in sport at a competitive level. Entry to Advanced Higher Physical Education is most suitable for students who have achieved an A or B pass in Higher Physical Education and a strong pass in Higher English.
Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
Candidates will have the opportunity to;
· take a degree of responsibility for their own learning
· refine standards of personal performance
· set performance development targets
· plan the research and development of performance
· research, present and discuss information
· engage in critical review
· develop initiative and other personal skills of general value.
Candidates will be required to demonstrate the following;
· demonstrating independent research and investigation skills
· investigating how factors impact on performance
· understanding and applying approaches to develop performance
· analysing and evaluating the process of performance development including future needs
· demonstrating a broad and comprehensive repertoire of complex skills
· demonstrating control and fluency of complex movement and performance skills
· demonstrating effective decision making and problem solving
· using and applying well-established composition, tactics and roles safely and effectively
· following rules and regulations and displaying etiquette (including working with others)
· controlling emotions on the day of the performance
Course Assessment
Project – 70 mark 5,000 word project based on the analysis and development of performance. 70% of course assessment.
Performance – 30 marks on a single performance in one physical activity in a challenging and competitive/demanding context. 30% of course assessment.
All our National Qualification courses are perfect for those students interested in, and passionate about health and wellbeing and sporting performance.
As a student works through the pathway they will develop their ability perform to an increasingly high standard in various activities. They will also deepen their understanding of the performance development process and take responsibility for planning, implementing and evaluating Personal Development Programmes focussed on improving performance across the Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical aspects of performance.
The courses are based around the core activities of Hockey, Badminton and Volleyball and other activities may be utilised to best suit the course content and needs of the learners.
All courses offer a degree of personalisation and choice, for example in selecting the activities in which candidates will complete their performance assessments, National 5 portfolio or Advanced Higher projects.
Course Assessments vary and are detailed individually below but all have both written and performance components which contribute to an overall award.
With this is mind it is key that students opting for National Physical Education courses enjoy participating in a wide variety of activities and enjoy the challenge that improving both practical and theoretical performance brings on a period by period basis.
In the PE department at Marr College we take great pride in supporting our young people to continue to improve in areas of interest and passion and we look forward to continuing the pathway to improved performance with those who elect to study National Qualifications in Physical Education.
Below you will find more detailed information on each of the qualifications in the Physical Education pathway. Attached are links to the relevant SQA webpages which contain vast amounts of information on the course. The Course Specification documents are recommended and will be particularly helpful at this stage.
National 4
Course Suitability
Most suitable for pupils who have achieved third level and have made some progress towards 4th level in S3.
Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
· demonstrating movement and performance skills safely in straightforward performance contexts
· demonstrating knowledge of factors that impact on performance
· developing knowledge of approaches to enhance personal performance
· monitoring, recording and reflecting on performance development
· decision-making and problem-solving in straightforward performance contexts
· organisational skills in preparing for, and during, physical activities
Two Internally assessed units and an Added Value unit assessment.
Factors Impacting on Performance – written work demonstrating understanding of factors impacting performance and the ability to monitor, record and reflect upon the performance development process.
Performance Skills – learners must be able to demonstrate performance at National 4 level in at least 2 activities.
Added Value Unit – a single performance event for which learners must prepare, carry out and reflect upon their performance.
National 5
Course Suitability
Suitable for pupils who have made good or very good progress towards, or achieved 4th level in their Broad General Education in S3. Candidates electing in S5/6 should consult PE staff regarding most suitable qualification.
Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
· demonstrating a comprehensive range of movement and performance skills safely
· understanding factors that impact on performance
· planning, developing and implementing approaches to enhance personal performance
· monitoring, recording and evaluating performance development
· decision-making and problem-solving
Course Assessment
Factors Impacting on Performance – 60 mark written portfolio completed in class time. 50% of course assessment.
Performance – 2x 30 mark single performance events in two significantly different activities. 50% of course assessment.
Course Suitability
Most suitable for candidates who have successfully achieved an A or B pass at National 5 level in both English and PE. Candidates electing with no previous National Qualification experience in Physical Education should consult PE staff regarding most suitable qualification.
Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
· selecting, demonstrating and safely applying a broad and comprehensive range of complex movement and performance skills in challenging contexts
· decision making and problem solving in challenging contexts
· analysing factors that impact on performance
· explaining a range of approaches for developing performance
· creating and implementing a Personal Development Plan (PDP)
· analysing the recording, monitoring and evaluation of performance development
Course Assessment
Factors Impacting on Performance – 50 mark Question Paper written exam completed in the formal exam diet equalling 50% of overall course assessment.
Performance – 2x 30 mark single performance events in two significantly different activities equalling 50% of overall course assessment.
Advanced Higher
Course Suitability
Only suitable for candidates who are currently participating in sport at a competitive level. Entry to Advanced Higher Physical Education is most suitable for students who have achieved an A or B pass in Higher Physical Education and a strong pass in Higher English.
Key Skills, Knowledge and Understanding
Candidates will have the opportunity to;
· take a degree of responsibility for their own learning
· refine standards of personal performance
· set performance development targets
· plan the research and development of performance
· research, present and discuss information
· engage in critical review
· develop initiative and other personal skills of general value.
Candidates will be required to demonstrate the following;
· demonstrating independent research and investigation skills
· investigating how factors impact on performance
· understanding and applying approaches to develop performance
· analysing and evaluating the process of performance development including future needs
· demonstrating a broad and comprehensive repertoire of complex skills
· demonstrating control and fluency of complex movement and performance skills
· demonstrating effective decision making and problem solving
· using and applying well-established composition, tactics and roles safely and effectively
· following rules and regulations and displaying etiquette (including working with others)
· controlling emotions on the day of the performance
Course Assessment
Project – 70 mark 5,000 word project based on the analysis and development of performance. 70% of course assessment.
Performance – 30 marks on a single performance in one physical activity in a challenging and competitive/demanding context. 30% of course assessment.
Studying PE can eventually lead you to exciting career options in:
- Healthcare (Nursing and Physiotherapy),
- Education (primary, secondary and further education teaching and personal training and),
- Sport and Leisure (sports coach and leisure attendant),
- Sports Science, Nutrition and many more!