Environmental Science
Environmental Science

Higher only
We work alongside the Biology department to deliver Environmental Science, which can be chosen in addition or discrete from Geography and Biology. While there is no discrete Environmental Science course covered in S1-S3, environmental themes are covered in Geography and Science. The National and Higher courses help give you a scientific understanding of important and topical environmental issues that affect us all in the modern world. You will investigate key areas of the living environment such as biodiversity and the relationships between plants and animals and their non-living surroundings. You will also find out about how we as humans use a wide variety of resources from the Earth, be they plant, animal or mineral, and you will explore ways in which we can utilise those resources sustainably.
This courses will allow you to use knowledge and skills from many other subjects including Biology and Geography, Chemistry and Physics You will be encouraged to take a problem solving approach to attempt to develop solutions that prevent or reverse environmental deterioration and aim for sustainable practices.
Higher only
We work alongside the Biology department to deliver Environmental Science, which can be chosen in addition or discrete from Geography and Biology. While there is no discrete Environmental Science course covered in S1-S3, environmental themes are covered in Geography and Science. The National and Higher courses help give you a scientific understanding of important and topical environmental issues that affect us all in the modern world. You will investigate key areas of the living environment such as biodiversity and the relationships between plants and animals and their non-living surroundings. You will also find out about how we as humans use a wide variety of resources from the Earth, be they plant, animal or mineral, and you will explore ways in which we can utilise those resources sustainably.
This courses will allow you to use knowledge and skills from many other subjects including Biology and Geography, Chemistry and Physics You will be encouraged to take a problem solving approach to attempt to develop solutions that prevent or reverse environmental deterioration and aim for sustainable practices.
- Find out more at https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/45726.html
- Find out more at https://www.planitplus.net/Nationals/View/80
- More detail on our courses can be found on our Department website: http://www.marr.sayr.sch.uk/geography.html