Health and Food Technology
Health & Food Technology
Food and health is essential for healthy living!
HFT is the study of nutrition and health, food product development and consumer issues.
You will learn about the dietary needs at different life stages and why the body needs certain nutrients along with understanding why we choose the foods that we eat, the science behind the food and the effect and impact the media and current culture has on our choices.
The course also gives an insight into how food items are created and you will get to make your own item and have it evaluated by your peers.
You will learn through a variety of both practical and theory work.
HFT is the study of nutrition and health, food product development and consumer issues.
You will learn about the dietary needs at different life stages and why the body needs certain nutrients along with understanding why we choose the foods that we eat, the science behind the food and the effect and impact the media and current culture has on our choices.
The course also gives an insight into how food items are created and you will get to make your own item and have it evaluated by your peers.
You will learn through a variety of both practical and theory work.
Watch the Home Economics Promo Video
The Hospitality and Health and Food Technology industry can lead in a huge variety of different careers and pathways, such as:
Chef -
Teacher -
Food scientist -
Food product developer -