Hazel has also been selected to attend a warm weather training camp in Dubai with the Scottish Golf Union at the end of November.
Hazel MacGarvie, S5, will compete for Scotland Schools in a home internationals team match against England Schools on the 14th September. This is going to be a particularly special match for Hazel as the competition is being played on the Darley golf course which is right next to Marr College.
Hazel has also been selected to attend a warm weather training camp in Dubai with the Scottish Golf Union at the end of November. Lyndsay Scott, S5, has been selected to compete for the Scottish Novice Diving Squad in the Celtic Cup to be held in Bangor, Northern Ireland on 11th-13th September. This is further international recognition for an extremely talented pupil. All pupils and staff at Marr College wish her the best in this event.
EMA 2015/16
Information regarding qualifying criteria for EMA is available from www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/emma and is summarised below for information. Pupils who are over 16 years of age before 30 September 2015 may be eligible for an EMA from the beginning of the school term should submit their application no later than 30 September 2015. Applications received after this date will only be eligible to be paid from the week the application is received. Eligibility for an EMA is assessed on household income for the period April 2014 to March 2015. EMA Application Forms available from School Office The income thresholds for the EMA Programme for Academic year 2015-2015 are: Are you interested in volunteering? Don't know where to start? Please use the drop-in sessions organised by Skills Development Scotland to gain more information.
Just before the summer break the Modern Languages department enjoyed a trip to France. Mr Moncrieff, a member of staff who accompanied the pupils tells us all about the trip. Click on the image for a full report.
Today is the first day of the new 2015-2016 term for all out staff and pupils. We would like to say a huge welcome back to all and hope everyone has had a restful and enjoyable summer holidays.
Can we remind all parents about the new dropping off procedures. Full details can be found here at the June update from the construction company. |
Term DatesClick here to see our term dates. Full details of opening and closing times will be published in this blog.
Letters to ParentsCategories
November 2024