It gives me great pleasure to share the successes of ‘Grownade’, our Young Enterprise team from Marr College. The ‘Grownade’ team is led by Mrs Thomson in Business Education and our Business Advisor Stephen McNab from GE Caledonian. The team is managed by Reece Jamieson and is made up of: Adam Russell, Bethany Stephens, Ciara Inglis, Craig Allen, Liusaidh Ligertwood, Marcia Broadfoot, Rachel Hughes and Vanessa Riddle, all of whom are S6 students at Marr.
The Grownade is a 100% recyclable and biodegradable shell containing mixed natural seeds with soil. The environmentally friendly aspect of the products reflected the Grownade Team’s aims of helping the dying bee and butterfly populations whilst enhancing nature itself.
Our Young Enterprise team’s selling opportunities were a huge success and our team sold 100% of their stock in 2 days through Wintertainment and the S3 Parent’s Evening! The local community were full of positive comments about both the product and our knowledge and selling technique. We represented our school with confident entrepreneurial ability and pride. The hard work that has gone into the product development and branding has certainly paid off for us, and we hope to ace the Young Enterprise Finals with our Grownades!