The task involved acting as a team of ICAEW Chartered Accountants for the day. Supported by a professional mentor, teams were presented with a variety of business issues and they were to provide innovative recommendations based on the information they were given. They then had to present their advice to a panel of highly respected judges, and a room of around 100 people. They had to hold their nerve as they presented last out of the 10 groups and beat off strong competition from many Glasgow schools, East Renfrewshire representatives, private schools and even one college. Students also took part in a careers exhibition to learn more about the industry and speak to business experts. They were commended for their positive and innovative suggestions and also for their teamwork which was rated very highly by the judges. The students involved were Lauren Millar, Ella Kennedy, Hazel MacGarvie, Ailsa Davies, Donald Matthews and Iain Bell.
They will be 1 of only 2 schools from Scotland to compete at the National Finals taking place in Birmingham in June. They will get an overnight stay in a hotel including 3 course meal, award ceremony and black tie disco. Prizes available include £500 for each student, a skills session on offer for the school and a trip to London. Well done and many thanks to Miss Wyllie and her team!