Students and parents will have the opportunity to speak to subject specialists in our departments, as well as gain advice from a wide range of employers, consultants and further and higher education representatives. We have over 20 external representatives who will be available on the night providing one to one advice and workshops.
Our sincere thanks go to Mr Sinclair, Mrs McGill and the hospitality classes for providing ‘soup and savoury scones’ for the evening.
The format for the evening will be:
6pm Welcome & Speech from Bill Porterfield. This will be repeated at 7pm due to the volume of parents/students attending.
- All departments in our museum (each department will have one stall)
- SDS, Ayrshire College, Universities will be in the snack bar and library area
- Our employers and consultants will be based in the Learning Plaza
- Workshops will take place in our Science write up rooms
We look forward to discussing options and careers with all who attend on the evening.
Full details can be found here.
A copy of the letter issued to parents can be found on our lettters page.