Pupils could gain interview techniques at the interview techniques workshop and then take part in face to face interviews with consultants about their careers. Donations for a local charity were also collected at the careers and options evening, thank you to anyone that donated. Mr Bill Porterfield, Head of HR at Distell Europe gave the main speech twice on the night. Refreshments were provided in the canteen by N4/N5 home economics department and pupils. Some S6 students were also available to talk to pupils and parents about their past experiences in choosing different subjects.
Mr Mcneill said that “This was the first time the careers evening was held in a different format” and that “The feedback was good from both students and parents.” He also said that the event was “aimed towards getting people to think beyond school” and hopes that “these events achieve that.”
The universities in attendance were Glasgow University, Strathclyde University, S.R.U.C, U.W.S, Dundee University and Glasgow Caledonian University.
We would like to say thank you to pupils and parents for attending the event and also thank the representatives that gave out a wide range of information.