Following last week's Parent Council meeting, we plan to make a small change to how our Parent Council meetings operate. Previously, we have held parent forum meetings 4 times each year, however we now intend to make all our meetings parent forum meetings.
The meetings are varied and always start with an update from our student captains which is always informative. Currently we are planning the career's evening to be held for senior pupils in February. Additionally we often have presentations from school staff on subjects such as the school improvement plan, exam results, dyslexia friendly policies, homework, communications policy and uniform.
The Parent Council also supports the school with funding, such as microphones for the school show and paying for buses for the 1st year to go to the cinema.
All parents with a student at Marr College are automatically members of the school's parent forum, and are always welcome at each meeting. However any parent or carer of a child at Marr College may apply to become a member of the Parent Council by contacting the Parent Council secretary. If a Parent Council vote is required for any matter arising, it is only parent council members who are permitted to do so. In the past, such consultations have included amendments to school holidays, school trips, school improvement plan and the introduction of "Show my Homework".
We would welcome new members at this time. Parent Council members must commit to a minimum of 50% of meetings within the academic year, and we require a minimum of 6 members for the Parent Council to operate.
Dates for future meetings are on the school website, and notifications will be sent out the week before. Our next planned meeting is Wednesday 22nd January at 7pm.
Kind Regards
Lindsay Campbell
Marr College Parent Council Secretary