Talks were provided by:
- Lindsey Laing (National Air Traffic Services)
- David Purdie (GSK - Regulatory Compliance Specialist) (and parent of Eilidh and Jenny, S6)
- Alice Turner (PhD Strathclyde)
- Gillian Cameron (Spirit)
- David Smith (GSK – Supply Quality Management)
- Simon Beckett (BAE Systems – Production Engineer)
- Stephen Cunningham (Keir Construction)
- Dr. Christopher Loughrey (senior lecturer – Glasgow University)
- Rory Lamont (Graduate Engineer – Scotland Transerv)
- Stephen Cairns (EDF Energy -Operations Engineer)
Dylan McDougall, 1P1 reports on the event:
“The talks were really good and interesting and explained about lots of different jobs from STEM people. The people were friendly and it was good to hear about what they do. I especially liked the man from EDF Energy because his job sounded really interesting and he explained things well”.
One of our presenters, David Purdie said:
“I feel I should acknowledge the efforts of everyone involved and, specifically, feedback my positive impression of the way the events were organised by Stuart McNeill and his colleagues and highlight the enthusiasm and engagement of your students at the sessions I was involved in.
I felt the format devised was excellent with a good range of industries/companies participating and I hope the students were able to see that there’s a link between their practical STEM activities in the school, some of the skills they can acquire – not just scientific and technical skills, but really useful transferrable skills – and the broad range of professions that these skills could take them into eventually”.
We thank the careers speakers for giving up time in their busy lives to enthuse our students – your work with our young people is valued and greatly appreciated.