On Friday afternoon, the S3 Marr College John Muir Award pupils, alongside staff Mrs L Cleland (Principal Teacher of RMPS) and Mrs J Cooper (Principal Teacher Guidance) participated in the first community litter pick. They were helped by Fiona Kennedy, Morag Mathieson, Harry Richards and Val Hughes who are all members of the volunteer group Friends of Fullarton. The litter pick was organised as a joint venture to raise awareness of the Clean Up Scotland campaign and also to tackle problematic areas of litter in the areas around the school. In the afternoon, more than 20 bags of rubbish were collected from the area of Wallacefield Road, Brown Avenue, Logan Drive and the path leading from the school into these streets. Pupils worked extremely well to complete this to a very high standard and it was nice to receive some positive comments from members of the public about our first community event. Well done to everyone who volunteered!