Over the past two months, I have been working with various individuals and organisations in relation to developing Troon, Loans and Dundonald as one Dementia friendly community. My aim is to raise awareness in our towns and villages, providing training to staff within our shops and businesses, in schools, organising regular events and leisure opportunities for people with dementia and their carers. I want to develop a community with the desire to support those living with dementia to remain independent for as long as possible. Central to this is engaging the whole community and I am particularly keen to involve our young people in supporting our older citizens.
Already committed are Dr Donald Macaskill, Chief Executive of the Scottish Care, South Ayrshire Council’s Community Engagement Officer, Troon Rotary, Suncourt Care Home, the Development Coordinator of the Little Art School Trust, Troon Churches Together and Troon Business Association. Alzheimer’s Scotland is also involved.
Our Group require a logo. A brand new design with a strong identity to be displayed in our shops and business which have undergone training, welcoming people with Dementia into their premises. We will use the logo on leaflets, letterheads, the website, it will be on show in shop fronts and business premises. And so it will become a very familiar symbol.
Miss Cairns worked with S3 girls and here are their logo designs.